Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ed Koch Speaks Out!
Sorry ED but We told you so. The Democrats have never cared about Israel. They had them giving up almost everything last time and still it was not enough. Truth be told they would love to be rid of the problems Israel causes them. The GOP is the best friend Israel has ever had (despite Pelosi's statement to the contrary) yet the American Jewish population votes Democrat. Go figure.
Eddie also said: President Obama's abysmal attitude toward the State of Israel and his humiliating treatment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is shocking. In the Washington Post on March 24th, Jackson Diehl wrote, "Obama has added more poison to a U.S.-Israeli relationship that already was at its lowest point in two decades. Tuesday night the White House refused to allow non-official photographers record the president's meeting with Netanyahu; no statement was issued afterward. Netanyahu is being treated as if he were an unsavory Third World dictator, needed for strategic reasons but conspicuously held at arms length.
Buyer's remorse Eddie... A little late. We told you this guy was a Muslim lover and an anti-Semite but it fell on deaf ears.
But I agree with you Eddie, I never in my wildest imagination ever thought I would see an American president treat Israel in such a shameful manner. It grieves my heart. I pray that BiBi understands Bambi does not represent the American people.
As for you Mr. Koch - welcome to reality, we need every patriots' mind, heart and soul in the fight against the progressive socialists
Monday, March 22, 2010
Am I Dreaming, Or Was This Once America?
*Honored the views of our founders?*
Excuse me?
Is she really this stupid or just trying to convince others that the founding of America had nothing to do with freedom from government tyranny?
I'm awestruck by these lunatics!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Eric Massa
Monday, March 8, 2010
Is Michelle Still Proud of Her Country?
On Obama's 1 year anniversary he should ask his wife if she is still proud of center right country.
His progressive agenda just hit the slow lane. They may be successful at jamming the senate version of health control through but I really doubt it. Nancy P., I think lost her clout and though any congress person that wants to may not be able to quite kick her out of their office but they can certainly justify railroading her deals. Congressmen and women now know for sure america has a firm grip on the rugs their currently standing on.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Rham Emanuel
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tea-party activists greet Obama with protest
are not stealing money from our future generations under the guise of socialism.
What we are doing is voicing our outrage at these attacks on our future. Another
thing we are doing is making sure that every one of those in the government, from
the President down who rubber stamped this cluster hose job, will never be in a
political office to screw the American people again. Just you wait, if you think
we are ‘Mad as Heck’ now, wait until elections come around……
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Obama Speaks, But is Anybody Listening?
Obama has squandered so much of our wealth - over 2 trillion I heard since taking office a year ago today.
What does he have to show for it?
More welfare recipients, free abortions for Mexico, who knows how much has gone to enemies domestic and abroad.
Obama is going to get bolder and act like a bigger thug than he already has.
Did you hear his tone when he talked about taxing the banks the other day?
He was madder than hell and that is the real Obama.
Has Barack Obama performed his Presidential duties as well as you had expected?
We were warned during the primaries and the general election and far too many people ignored all those warning signs, or they wouldn't have voted for him!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
I'm Really Fed Up With Obama and His Motley Crew
I don’t want discussion dissension or other people talking –
I don’t want to hear opposing views.
I don’t want Obama as my president! I'm Really Fed Up With Obama and His Motley Crew